RE was much better a skier than he let on to - perhaps it was due to the new red Northface ski pants he had just purchased the day of the trip. While he skied better than expected RE did manage to mow into a 12 year old girl on a snowboard on the Reut and it took her a while to get back up.
The highlight of the weekend for me was taking RE to the cliff above Thunder Saddle that is on the side of the Cirque and tell him that the easiest drop in was off to the left - left or right, we were looking down over a 50 foot vertical drop of volcanic rock. It was great seeing the look of terror on RE's face not realizing I was goofing on him.
I introduced the boys to the Kirkwood Inn, where we had a great meal, as always. The snow depth is still way below average, but the groomed runs were in great shape, and Thunder Saddle had some great packed powder. The backside is in desperate need of a big dump of new snow, and we heard from skiers in line at chair 11 that The Wall was really rocky and to be avoided.